Monday, February 12, 2018


I go to my volunteer interview at Thrift Store today and the manager tells me he saw on my LinkedIn profile that I'm a writer. He  wonders if I'd enjoy writing for the store's newsletter, besides signing up for a shift in thrift. 

Why, yes, I say, I would.
Would I like, to start, to write a short article about the Basilica of St Mary's refugee ministry program, which coordinates with the store to supply people with things they need?

I would, very much.

Huh. A three-in-one of my interests: thrift, writing, and religion.
How 'bout that?
I haven't been into religion in a long time, but fifteen years ago I worked as a sacristan at the very same Basilica that runs the refugee program. While that church has issues, I never stopped admiring their work for economic social justice, which they do better than other non-profits I've known. 

I was impressed this guy immediately matched my skill to their need. And surprised––it seems a natural match, but none of the other places I've volunteered have tapped that skill, though they all could have used my help as a writer more than as a schlepper.

Likely I'll discover soon enough things that bug me but this is a heartening & hopeful start.