
Saturday, November 11, 2023

U and Non-U in Print

U = Upper class; Non-U, not.
Not exactly applicable to Americans, but fun: "Ten Words That Prove You're Not Posh", from BBC Radio 4.
This one made me laugh:

"8. Vintage
There are a lot of euphemisms when it comes to words on the Non-U list. Seemingly those from the non-upper classes feel the need to avoid the obvious when it comes to language usage. That shirt you’re wearing isn’t vintage, it’s old. When it comes to furniture, there’s no such thing as vintage, it’s antique."

LOL: "That shirt you’re wearing isn’t vintage, it’s old."
In my case, it's a rag.

I. U (Very much not you)

It takes a while for best-sellers to start showing up at the thrift store--yesterday the first copy of Prince Harry's Spare arrived--nine months to the day since it was published on January 10.

I thought I might read it, but I opened it at random and read a few lines  about "Mummy". I just cringed.

Poor little kid, I feel sorry for him, but I doubt that reading more about his pain would increase my wisdom, compassion, or resourcefulness.
("More"--I've already read in-depth reviews.)
Reading such tell-alls feels pornographic for me, looping back on itself, never going anywhere, never satiated.

Below: A much more desirable-to-me donation, an "I LIKE MILK" mug, with beavers, penguins and giraffes, and a clown handle.

II. Me, Non-U

I'm looking at my blog in book form (online). A friend sent me a link to a service that publishes blogs:
The site shows you what your book will look like, a preview of page by turnable page, and it's kinda compelling.

Rereading the blog's first year, I'm fascinated by little daily things I recorded, like that I got my first digital camera in 2008.

Also, I make myself laugh sometimes! I like the person who wrote this post (me) about tapirs (not much). It's the kind of brain-hopping-around thing that makes me happy.

I 've posted it original size for readability, so you might need to scroll right to read it (
or, link to orig post). It looks pretty as book pages instead of in blog-post format.

I won't be printing my blog with PixxiBook though. The final charge is still tabulating, but at 84% done, printing an A4 photo-quality hardback would be...
  • Approximately:
  • 8136 pages in 28 volumes
    $3921.12 ($140.04 per volume)


  1. Love the way your blog looks in book form! But, damn! —the price. And 28+ volumes! That’s some writing you’ve been doing! It would be great if yoo could get a “best of” volume published though: I’d pay money for that.

    BTW: M didn’t know what a tapir was either. Our educational system has failed us completely: I doubt people know The Uninvited Guest either.

  2. Oooh, thanks for the Pixxibook link. I'm having my blog analysed too. I'm sure I won't print it but I'm curious what the results will look like!

  3. Oh, and I meant to say, I love that mug! We have "Spare" in the library but I can't bring myself to read it. I'm just not that interested.

  4. I first learned about tapirs when I had a dream with a tapir on the roof of my 1965 VW Bug. Please interpret Chris

  5. Don’t interpret Chris. Interpret the dream. That email and this email is FROM Chris. Oh well.

  6. BINK: I was thinking of that--a Best Of... volume. I could prepare it myself on Pages--MUCH cheaper to print it myself (at the library?).
    Tapirs are a black hole in our educational system.

    STEVE: I hope you'll take a screencap of what your blog posts look like in book form!
    I'd be interested in Prince Harry's story is Hilary Mantel wrote it. :)

    CHRIS: This is a very good dream. It is what we call a "Double Bubble" dream---when your dream "twins" a good omen.

    In this case, the tapir is the VW Bug of the Animal World, so you've got ALL your good "move ahead" energy doubled!
    The tapir can move 30 miles an hour (somewhat surprisingly) and it only eat plants, so you are even covered if gas runs out.

    You, Chris, are GOOD TO GO!

    And that is my "entirely made-up" dream analysis.

    1. PS. CHRIS: That was not *entirely* made up—tapirs really can move at 30 mph! (Briefly.)
      But also, I do stand by it being a good-omens dream 😄

    2. You made me laugh out loud. In the morning. This is more rare than a tapir on a Bug. Thank you for sharing your delightful and insightful powers! Chris
