
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Help & Be Happier

Did you know that “prosocial spending”—spending money on other people—can increase your happiness?
(from Time magazine: "Being Generous Really Does Make You Happier")

Because I'm always giving cash-money directly to people in SlobKnob Alley (Em's name for our surroundings), I don't usually donate to relief organizations. But with the recent uptick in global nastiness, I decided I would send away some electronic money. Why not?

I. It's the Easiest Thing We Can DO, right? to write a check donate money online, for almost any amount.(Doctors without Borders has a minimum of 5 US dollars.)

Q: If you donate too, please tell me, what is your favorite charity? (Doesn't have to be international relief--I'm interested in any charity.)

To choose a charity, I looked at Charity Watch's Top Rated Charities for International Relief:

I donated to two:

Doctors without Borders gets an A. (I especially like that their top salaries are "only" a quarter of a million/year--lots of charities pay double that.) They're in 70+ countries, including Congo.
I sent them $50.

2. Catholic Relief Services gets an A+.  They operate in more than 100 countries--you can donate specifically to Jerusalem/West Bank/Gaza, Ukraine, Congo, etc.
The girlettes like them because "they have toy altars" (?!),
 so I donated $50 to Where It's Needed Most:


II. Is the World . . . Awful/ Better/ Could be much better?

I love this graphic from the wonderful Our World in Data––one of their thousands of charts to help understand the global situation––here, illustrating that all three views are true at once:

1. AWFUL: 5.9 million children die every year = 4.3% of all children.
2. MUCH BETTER: But in the past, 50% of children died.
3. Could Be EVEN Better Yet: In the European Union, fewer than half-of-1-percent (0.45%) of children die.


III. My new Lift Up My Heart policy is working--tho' it sputters...

This morning I wrote an ill-natured post about how we've forgotten Congo––we look where the atrocity mongers tell us to look––then I DELETED IT.  (I did sneak that little dig in though...)

I'll post a tiny bit of info:
Conflict in Congo (including conflict around mining minerals for your and my smart phones) leaves 5.5 MILLION+
displaced people as of 2023 (in a population of 91 million),
making it the
fourth largest crisis of IDP [internally displaced people] in the world, per a report from the UNHCR, the UN refugee agency.

Congo doesn't get much news coverage in the US: I only know about it because I wrote a geography book for middle-schoolers on the country, and I check in every once in a while.


  1. I make many donations to national organizations and then get mailing after mailing after mailing asking for more. But I still do it. The things that I most like donating to: the local firefighters’ yearly Thanksgiving drive (food for families), the local shop-with-a-cop program.

    1. MICHAEL: I actually dreaded that aspect of donating:
      Getting more solicitations in the mail. OH NO.

      thanks for answering my question. Shop w Cops is new to me. Sounds fun!
      For those who might see this:

      “What is Shop With Cops?
      The purpose of the event is to foster positive relationships between youth and officers. Young kids, K - 6th grade are selected each year during the end-of-the-year holiday season to shop at one of the local area stores to purchase gifts for members of their immediate family. Each child is given a small amount of money to spend, normally $50-$100 depending on the size of the child's immediate family. Approximately 1-2 children are assigned to each police personnel, who then escorts them around the store and assists in selecting appropriate gifts for each family member. The children are told, and understand, that the money is not for personal use and must only be spent on members. After shopping, the children will eat lunch, wrap their gifts, and continue to get to know the police officers.

    2. PS MICHAEL: I appreciate that you also answered my unspoken question: does it make you happier? (Or, do you like it?)

  2. I like to donate to world central kitchen, they seem to be everywhere there’s disaster. Habitat for humanity is another favorite.

  3. BARBARA: Thanks for answering---two excellent charities! FOOD AND SHELTER.

    Frex = Fresca

  4. Coming in late to say I give to two charities:

    1. Sami for Syria is Sami Zayn's charity, he established two mobile hospitals that provide medical care to war-torn places in Syria and I donate toward their upkeep.

    2. Flatbush Cats is a Brooklyn organization that tries to provide medical care (and spaying) for the feral cat population of Brooklyn and foster any kittens they can rescue.

    It does make me happier when I hit that "donate" button! I like knowing I'm doing a tiny bit to help others.

    1. Jen! So nice to see you here! I love the breadth of your charities—Syria & Brooklyn 😄
