
Friday, October 27, 2023

There are always alternatives.

A short post this morning---inspired by reading Frances Partridge's diaries from the 1950s.
I do not love her personally, but her diaries remind me that reading about daily doings can be very interesting--even reading about the weather. She's much more poetic in describing landscape and weather than I care for--I skim that stuff--but I like to hear about the HUMAN side of it--this sort of thing: "We couldn't take baths for days because the pipes froze".

So I will record that this morning the trees are blowing so wildly outside my windows, I am going to take the bus to work, 20 minutes from now.
It's cold too--about 30ºF--but that's not bad--it's biking in the wind that is such a chore, I hate it.

I. Book Nook Underway!

Happy news at work--
for mysterious reasons known to himself, Big Boss decided to put this space, below, to better use. It held the glass case where I displayed expensive books, but we sold maybe one a week? (Partly because often no staff member was around to open the case for anyone interested.)

I suggested I move some bookshelves out of the Furniture room--where I am always battling for space--pushing back wardrobes, desks, and tables to keep the aisle open.

Weirdly, Big Boss agreed.
Well, or not weirdly--it does make sense as a book nook, and furniture always needs more space.

Getting the space ready for bookshelves has been a farce.
I was going to project manage it, but Big Boss stepped in--he always says he doesn't want to micromanage, but he can't let go.
Upshot: nothing much got done.

Finally in frustration, mattdamon began to patch the walls to prepare for painting on his own initiative.
His dad was a Marine.

II. Destroy the Runway

I read Gen. Colin Powell's book on leadership the other night--it's not written for my personality type (very much not), but I appreciate his description of good leadership--which includes talking to EVERYONE in the organization--he tells a story about talking to parking lot attendants at the Pentagon.
Clear & comprehensive communication.
What a golden dream that is.

Of course I'd rather work for Big Boss than Colin Powell!
"Oh, sorry about that little problem with Iraq..."

Powell told one story that did personally inspire me. Philippine President Corazon Aquino called him one night--the presidential palace was being attacked in a coup from the ground, and she was afraid the air base would send planes to attack too.
Would the US bomb the air base?

Powell reasoned that killing any Filipino soldiers would be a bad move, so he didn't order bombing--he ordered US planes to buzz the airbase and show "extreme hostility"--whatever that looks like from the air--AND if any planes looked like they were going to take to the air, to shoot them down or... to shoot up the runway.

No runway, no flights.

I love this!
As Mr Spock says, There are always alternatives.

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