
Saturday, October 21, 2023

Soft Landing

Afternoon at an apple orchard with L & M—
I tried to jump for the camera in front of a corn field, but the best photo was a landing. 

It was good to get out of myself and into the countryside today —after being so sad yesterday about Jody’s death.  I’m holding a new old bear from the store, where I’d worked half a day. 

I’d also unpacked a copy of Horse, a new (2022) novel by Geraldine Brooks that I want to read—it’s partly? about the little known history of Black horsemen in 19th century horse racing. When I was a kid I was into horses, so I know a tiny bit about horse racing—along the (outdated) lines of Man o’ War and (fictional) National Velvet—and am interested to know this. 

Brooks has written a lot of bestsellers. I’ve read none of them since Year of Wonders (2001), set in England during the plague of the 1600s. I hadn’t liked it, can’t remember why. But Brooks is well regarded—her March won a Pulitzer Prize—copies of it are often donated. We’ve none at the moment, and I hope one comes in soon—I’m setting aside PP winners for a future display—I have a dozen now. 

Also, this morning before work I started a new little apotropaic, adapting a wooden fish on rollers. It’s not coming together yet, but I did add pearly eyes with curly eyebrow-feelers, vaguely like catfish whiskers—made from hat pins. It’s good to tinker.


  1. I tried to reread Year of Wonders recently and couldn’t do it. Very much felt like a 20-21st century mindset misfittedly (that’s a nice word I made up) dragged back into a time that it didn’t match.

    1. BINK: oh! Yes! Thanks——That is what it was:
      the misfitting of a modern mentality into the past.
      I hope this one’s better

  2. Loving the progressive fish. Is not msfittedly placed on land, it can float ,spin, roll. Multi talented! I think that taking the shop bear out to see corn was probably the best outing it ever had. Grateful!

  3. LINDA SUE: you are so right about Nibs the bear:
    He was IN A BOX—the box he was sold in—and it was marked 1990!
    He’d been hibernating all that time
    so he was ecstatic to be OUTSIDE!
    Also he ate apple fritters AND a caramel apple (shared mine), so he was over the moon.

    I am working on the fish this morning—it is indeed multidimensional
