Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Moon's a Bunny Balloon...

 ...inflated by a toy dino.
What I worked on this morning--the morning after the SUPER-DUPER BLUE MOON in Pisces last night.
Astrology says, the time is ripe
"to pay attention to hobbies that please you."

I've had these toy parts for months. I'd even used the bunny (with its body) for something else, but it never pleased me.
This does. (Still has some attachment issues.)

This morning I also made a ton of chili-mac for my workmates. I cooked up food from 
the food shelf (macaroni, fresh mushrooms); the free farmer's market on the bike path (onions, green peppers, tomatoes); food donated to the store (cans of beans, and yesterday we got a box of bottled salsa);
and food I bought with money a volunteer gave me "to help feed staff" (because she, who used to be on the board, knows the score):
organic ground beef, shredded cheddar cheese, and tortilla chips.

Remembering the lukewarm reception to the vegan soup a volunteer had brought, I make stuff I know my colleagues will like. Familiar.

Making hot lunch for work on a dime pleases me.
It combines a couple good things: ever since I was a kid I've loved SCAVENGER HUNTS (thrift stores are a relative); and, it calms my rage about how my coworkers are so badly paid, some of them are living on donated bakery.