Saturday, January 14, 2023

Mirror Series, no. 3

In the Uptown.

(I just got off that bus and will transfer to another to get to work.)
This series started without intent--I've decided to make it intentional and look for mirrors to photograph.
Other Mirror Pics.

Fourteen years ago, on my birthday in 2009, I started a "365 Portrait" project. I pretty quickly got tired of photographing myself every day. I'm surprised to see I did manage 85 photos though.

Looking at the photos now, I see... I remember... that I was rather shy, and the photos suffer from me pulling my punches. Lots of photos of my hands and feet, for instance. Back then, too, we were more unsure about sharing ourselves fully online (including photos of children).
Some still are cautious-- it's for the individual to determine the level of exposure. I'm waaaay less cautious about everything now, at almost–sixty-two.


  1. When I was much younger and we would go to Mexico where I was always happiest, I would find myself wanting to take mirror selfies in restaurant restrooms because I felt beautiful on those nights. Mostly I would laugh at myself and not do it or delete what I had taken because it felt so vain.
    Yeah. Whatever.
    I wish I had every one of those pictures now.

  2. MS MOON: Right? It's like Moira says in Schitt's Creek: "Take a thousand pictures of yourself now."
    I figure it's not too late to start.
    I wish I could see you feeling beautiful in Mexico!
