Friday, September 23, 2022

Cat under Bridge

Marmelade in her backyard (pond), and my toes. I'm here another week.


  1. Cats will miss you! A cat with her own bridge is pretty well cared for i would guess. At least you can leave knowing that the cats have a very good life, even if Robinson is denied his own way of doing things- maybe the humans will realize.

  2. The cats are wealthy!
    Mr House said he does and will continue to let Robinson outside--he gets too wild in the house.

    I thought maybe Robinson would want to stay inside now the weather's colder, but nope--he comes in for food and rubs, and then he runs outside again.
    "Can't catch me!"

  3. What are you doing up there?!

    Good that he realises that Mr R is definitely an outdoor cat
