Saturday, March 6, 2021

"I'm in life."

"Adie Das" commented on my post about the phrase I am in love with life (and my resistance to that phrase):

"I think I'd be afraid that saying it would mean I'd have to be happy... "
Yes! That's it.  "Being in love" is a euphoric state.

And it's marketed as a goal. OK, not by everyone.
, Subaru marketing "sturdy, if drab" to lesbians. 😊

And the counter-cultural world of Noir.
I'd posted this back on March 8, 2016:

A Public Service Announcement, from  Act of Violence, dir. Fred Zinnemann, 1948:

"So you're unhappy. Relax.
No law says you got to be happy."

 Thank you. 
I'm going to stop trying on the phrase, "I'm in love with life">
Instead, for the purpose of this experiement, I'll go with

"I'm in life."

I like that. It's sort of obvious? But it implies (to me) being engaged with life.

Being in love is a crazy kind of happy--a temporary euphoria--nice to visit, but not a place to live.
"Lust and attraction shut off the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which includes rational behavior".
 via The Science of "Love, Actually":

1 comment:

  1. That is the best photo ever of the primate curious about the girlette! WOW . HAPPY BIRTHDAY! From all of us to all of you, alive or not. What a splendid day!
