Saturday, December 19, 2020

Saturday, making lasagna...

Hello, everybody!
Just felt like a bit of chit-chat this gray Saturday afternoon.

I'm taking a little break from making vegetable lasagna, which I'm making partly to use up a squishy eggplant.
HouseMate (HM) has been ordering veg from Damaged Veggies Dot Com, or some such business that sells imperfect organic veg---the stuff the stores won't sell because it's ugly--which, who cares?––or, I've noticed, sometimes because it's on the edge of going bad, which yeah, I do care because you have to use it or lose it.

The nice but wasteful thing is, this company delivers to your house, so the carbon footprint is ridiculous. 

Though I suppose if it saves anyone a trip to the store, it evens out.

I am not going to examine this closely. It's HM's thing--she pays for it––and it is indisputably a GOOD thing that we have fresh veggies on hand.
And that I feel pressured to cook the veg before it goes bad?
Also a good thing: I am cooking more.

One thing I'm not missing like I thought I would:
eating out at restaurants.
I do miss coffee shops--I miss sitting in public among strangers.
I don't miss paying $25 for a burger and fries, with tax and tip.

Since I cut my hours in half, I am not even making enough to pay my cheap rent, and that's it. But I don't need much else except groceries. I could live very cheaply, and luckily I have savings, from dead relatives.
Thank you, dead relatives!

Oh---here comes Marz biking up with mozzarella--I sent her to the store to buy some. So, all for now--back to finishing the lasagna.


  1. I’d like to know how the pandemic has changed water bills. Eating at home means dishes for three meals, every day.

    Welcome back to civilization (or what passes for it), Marz.

  2. I love lasagna, but not eggplant, so I just make the regular kind when I make it once in a blue moon.

  3. I wish I could eat Eggplant Lasagna! Sounds yummy!
