Monday, April 27, 2020

Nothing but blue skies, II

Exploring by bike is being top-best thing:  this afternoon I went biking along the Mississippi River (I live only a mile away now). This is the sky reflected in the river through a bridge railing. The river itself is brown.  

Home now. 
I’d stopped at several Little Free Libraries along the way, 
and also the liquor store (wearing a mask, of course). 


  1. I love that river-sky picture! Some intriguing titles in your book stack, there. I only know "V for Vendetta."

  2. STEVE: Thanks, I was pleased to catch the reflection.

    I like that about LFLibraries--finding things I've never heard of.

    Frex = Fresca

  3. Ooh, free stuff and beer! A good day.
