
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Where's My Reward?

I'd expected myself to keep better track of books I'm reading since I started at the bookstore, but I see I've fallen way behind.

Ha! I automatically wrote bookstore, above. 
The thrift BOOK's area really is a bookstore, even if I can't choose our inventory––except by choosing NOT to put out certain donated books. I mean mostly things like 1980s paperback novels: 
I don't censor books for sociopolitical content. 

1. I also don't put out books with sexually explicit pictures (though I have put out a couple illustrated Kama Sutras--they fly under the radar).
I listed Xaviera Hollander's Supersex (1976) on ebay, where it has not sold. I blocked the naughty bits...
The art is sooooo seventies--someone should buy it just for that!
If you were alive in the '70s, you might remember this author from her more famous Happy Hooker.

2. We got a cool batch of poetry books donated last week. I priced them high (high, for the store = $10 - $20), and none have sold so far, so I'm trying a couple on ebay. 

Below is the coolest one, in my eyes, because of the book design by Robert Indiana. A Day Book, by Robert Creeley (1st pbk ed. 1972).
(I checked and, too bad, June 11 is on a Tuesday this year.)

3. Something else I didn't put out---a board game called "The Richest Christian" from 1986--during a new flowering of Prosperity Christianity [founded by three televangelists, per the Washington Post article, "The Worse Ideas of the Decade: The Prosperity Gospel"]:
If you are good, God will reward you materially.

I didn't censor it-–I bought it,
just so I could cut out this square, below, and put it on my wall. 
First, I showed it to Big Boss and said I wonder when my $300 will manifest. 
He, no fan of the prosperity gospel, laughed and said, "Payday's next week--your check will probably be about that..."


  1. The “unexpected gift of $200” in the middle picture of wealth must mean that the guy’s playing Monopoly by mail. “Bank error in your favor. Collect $200.”

  2. I love how the game lets you get rich because your grandparents DIED! "Dear Lord, please let me land on the spot where my grandpa goes to be heaven with you and leaves all his money here with me! That's how I'll win the game!"

    Shut the F*#& Up! Stupid, stupid, evil, "christians".
