Friday, January 19, 2018

Lake Ice, by Julia

We're having a very cold and very dry winter:
unusually, the lake ice is not much obscured by snow. 

Julia dresses in a million layers >
 to spend time on the lake (about 1 mile from me)
and photograph the ice. Sort of amazing her iPhone works when she lays it right on the ice surface, but it does.

She has the place pretty much to herself, usually.

I went with her one day when it was above zero F, but she goes when it's below too.
This is my favorite of her many photos of lake ice--it looks like a photo the Hubble Space Telescope would take, or one of our own brain neurons:


  1. Or a black hole suddenly visible, just when a meteor streaks toward another planet!

    I got lost in the beauty and breathtaking wonder of her ice photographs this afternoon. What an awe-inspiring art form she has discovered!
