
Thursday, August 18, 2016

The New Toy

I woke up this morning to see the Gorn (the lizard captain I got at the Star Trek con) has moved closer to Celestine Babar. The toys seem to form relationships among themselves independent of me--certain ones gravitate toward others... Who knows?

Isn't it frustrating when you can't read book titles in a picture?
I've already mentioned all these--they're just serving to hold the rat lamp up--PL Travers short stories, Lolita, an Oliver Sacks, and a novel about Lewis and Clark.


  1. Does Babar know what's happening 'tween Celeste and Gorn? Does Celeste know?! Is Gorn caressing Celeste's cheek...or, is that her ear?

    Is that a leer on Gorn's snout, or does he just have too many teeth? (I confess to being a little bit turned on by his leopard print togs.)

    Tune in tomorrow for the continuing story!

  2. Heck, it's a mystery to me too, Crow!
    I'll have to see what I wake up to tomorrow... :)
