
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Art Wins

I woke up this morning excited about making paper collages at work, and I realized I'm not ready to give up my open-ended exploration of making-creative-stuff-in-dire-mental-circumstances and replace it with writing a book.

I did get excited at the idea of a book: yesterday afternoon I looked into the possible topic--garbage! (a fitting follow up to toilets). Fascinating stuff--it triggers the same weird pleasure center as reading post-apocalyptic fiction, probably because the scenarios are much the same: 
we're killing ourselves, but a scraggly band of clever people are figuring out ways to make cute, animated trash compactors!
Oh, pang. Writing about garbage, I could write about Wall-E...

Well, I can write about Wall-E here, if I want.

The thing is, when I took this Activities job, I decided to look at it as a year-long internship. 
It's only been five and a half months, and I can tell within myself I'm nowhere near done learning whatever there is to learn--about brains and art and humans ...including me!

I still don't know how to make collages out of colored tissue paper. 
So, that's today.

Art (right) by Gale Kaseguma.


  1. Art - perhaps more than love - conquers all!

    The tone of your post this morning says it all, Fresca - light-hearted, happy and excited. Good for you!

  2. Thanks for that reflection, Crow!

    In fact, I would choose the act of creation over love (though of course they can be the same sometimes).

  3. Love that way of thinking about the job! Or much of anything!
