
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Birthday Party

At my birthday party at a local gelato & espresso café.
I love opening presents. My parents didn't believe in birthday parties for children (did they not want to clean up?); so I am always playing catch-up.
bink helped by bringing party hats and a sparkly crown for the Birthday Girl.

Above: Cathy knitted me these amazing mittens, using alpaca wool. You can't see here, but there's a little herring skeleton on each thumb.

Above: Star Trek coasters from VL. Cups & glasses will never touch these.

After the party, bink and I went to see Earth vs. Flying Saucers (1956) at the new microcinema (seats 50) that shows old films.
It was a terrible clunker of a movie. And what a delight: I have missed laughing in the black-and-white dark with strangers.

After the movie, I sacked out on bink & Maura's couch, and Joop squeezed himself on too.


  1. Ooh, my friend Katherine's dog slept with me when I visited her. Lucky you! And cats on mittens!

  2. "laughing in the black-and-white dark with strangers" Mmmmm, that's hard to beat. "The Third Man" is playing soon at the film series in my town. So going. But there probably won't be as much laughing, I take it. Still, biting nails with strangers is almost as good, (as long as the nails are your own). I wonder how common these old film series' are across the nation.

  3. That sounds and looks like a perfect day! The mittens are amazing. All those details, and mittens aren't the easiest garments to knit in the first place. And the coasters...not handmade, I take it, but worthy of envy nonetheless!

    The thought of a childhood without birthday parties almost makes me shudder (not to criticize your parents, of course, just a spontaneous emotional reaction). Maybe you could throw several birthday parties each year with the objective of catching up?

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

    Our long departed dog used to get to sleep on our bed after he'd had his bath (and was dry!), so he got to where he loved bath time.

    In spring, we'd leave the screen up and our outside cats would come in to sleep with us. Good thing we had a big bed!

  5. I cannot believe those mittens. An actual person did them?! They are wonderful. Happiest birthday to you. Sounds (and looks) like you scored a good one.

  6. MARGARET: I wonder--might old movies be returning to the big screen? Maybe like knitting, people want some of the old less high-tech forms of creativity?
    Here's hoping.

    ANNIKA: There's an idea: several catch-up birthday parties a year! My mother always made my birthday wonderful, but private-- she didn't include other kids.
    It was kind of sad.

    CROW: Oh, we used to have outside cats too! We lived on a dead end and they didn't get run over by cars. I'd almost forgotten.

    FMNSMO: Cathy, who made those mittens, is an amazing knitter--it's like the higher maths!

  7. I saw Earth vs. the Flying Saucers on a black & white tv set in my grandparents house when I was a little kid back in the mid-60s. Thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen.

    That image of the saucer slicing through the Washington monument is pretty potent.

  8. That was a grand birthday party, Fresca. Plus, minimal clean-up (for you, anyway). You sure have interesting, smart, loving friends.

  9. CLOWN: I should post about that scene, which is still pretty cool, and spookily prescient--the saucers crashing around Wash DC.
    There's a Dr Who where saucers slice through Big Ben---I wonder now if that was a tip of the hat to this old movie.

    POODLE: Those friends? That would be you!
