Saturday, March 27, 2010

3 Saints à Go-Go

There's something about an empty box... Especially in a church.

My latest micromovie: 3 Saints à Go-Go (47 sec.). Very silly.

"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" -- J. S. Bach
"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" -- Wham!

A Fly Off the Wall Production, starring bink

Wham! - "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" (1984)

The hair! The make-up! The shorts!

Btw, per Wikipedia:
The Wham! "CHOOSE LIFE" slogan was directed at drug abuse and suicide prevention. This was before it had been adopted by the anti-abortion movement. *

Here's the Scottish suicide prevention site: Choose Life.
And while I'm on the subject (of go-go):

The Go-Go's - "We Got the Beat" (1980)

* I love the "Choose life" quote in its original context, Deuteronomy 30:19:
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live."


  1. I like the opening pan, v. cool.

    Hmmm, empty boxes in churches.
    Church kitchens are also strange little nooks.

    Go-go: the black on white in the beginning and the inverse neon towards the end could almost fit into 2010 stylistically.

  2. Thanks, Margaret!

    Churches are altogether curious places, eh?

    Design: what comes around goes around.

  3. I think, perhaps, that the box and laundry baskets form the odd trio which is '3 Saints' and Binky is their life force:) Or, they are 3 different forms-box, baskets, and dancing legs comprising one unified entity who's life force happens to be the legs and unseen torso/person.
    As for the Passion Banner, the perspective provided by the floating bag would disarm any unknowing viewer who unthinkingly sits in the pew, looks up, and wonders a) how on earth do they get that fabric to hang so gracefully, and b) I wonder how high that really is? If only they knew the adventure(er) behind both! Having been up there, I can testify to the amazing experience it is!

  4. iloveyoumauralynchMarch 28, 2010 at 4:59 PM

    Passion banner comment will make more sense once Fresca re-/fully posts that one. Sorry!

  5. Thanks, Maura---sorry, I took the video down and then put it up again yesterday (Maundy Thursday).
