Friday, February 26, 2010

Magic Carpet Ride

Last night in a dream, I explained to someone:

"I'm a writer.
I turn Lithuanian into carpets."

Which makes a kind of sense... but, Lithuanian?


  1. For some reason, my immediate impression of this statement was that it would be something James Joyce would say.

  2. You've obviously been subliminaly influenced towards Lithuanian. You have read or heard something, probably nothing in Balticular, which has lodged in your unconscious. These things are never just White or Black, see. Sometimes it's just how you Vilnius. One day you are Lublin along, in a Belarus from one meeting to the next, then suddenly you think: Vytautus the Great! Why am I thinking about Lithuania? and no matter how Ukraine your neck to see why, your surroundings are as empty of clues as the kursiy nerija national park. So don't be Alytus, accept your subliminal Lithuanian!

  3. Turning something far off into something so close at hand, it's under your feet.

  4. The Black Sea is a bit too far away I know, but it's all grist for the pun mill....

  5. MANFRED: "...suddenly you think: Vytautus the Great!"
    OMG, I was laughing so hard when I read this!
    This is genius.
    Thank you, thank you for helping me get in touch with the inner Lithuanian, which I've obviously been repressing, to the general detriment of my mental health, I'm sure.
    You get the Gold Star of the Week for excellent comments...

    On the heels of last week's Gold Star commenter...

    (for her crackerjack reporting of the unforgettable phrase, "I will hold this post in my womb)
    I just bet Joyce worked some Lithuanian into some of his word play somewhere.
    Or am I thinking T S Eliot, that old thief.

    ARTS: Yes! You know, it's funny how this little phrase really does work well as a metaphor.

  6. Too much cheese before bedtime maybe?
