
Monday, January 18, 2010


A local theater is showing British film noir movies on Mondays, and tonight I went with friends to see the gorgeous The Third Man (1949) on the big screen for the first time.

It's a movie about shadows--in history, in personalities, and on screen.
When I got home, I grabbed my camera and went back outside to catch some shadows myself.

(Making these micromovies is showing me how much I have to learn--like how to keep the camera steadier. Sorry, this is enough to make you sea sick.)

"shadow" (19 sec.)

The music is the famous zither theme from The Third Man.

It's 20 degrees F outside so the snow makes a lovely crunchy-squeaky noise when you trod on it.


  1. "The Third Man" is the best movie ever made, I think. You were lucky to see in on the big screen. I envy you!

  2. Hi, FMSMO: I decided not to rant about this in the post, but much as I love the new technology, I regret the loss of screenings of old movies in theaters.
    I sat in the theater and felt a wave of gratitude that I was getting this rare chance to see this piece of art as it should be seen.

    I agree--The Third Man is excellent--maybe even perfect.

  3. They have something similar in my city on Wednesdays, (or we happen to live in the same city, except you live in a magical corner where it actually snows, and there is a time barrier that allows your corner to operate two days into the future. It's plausible). When it comes to films, they don't make 'em like they used to. Must see this Third Man you folks rave about.

  4. ...But I was going to tell you about this fellow Holly Martins.

    I made my own version of this film, will send you the links. Yes, it may be the most perfect film ever made, and is a great examination of loyalty. Is it important to hold true to something, even when you know it's false?

  5. And, yet, it seems fitting that the shadow ambles along - I like that.

    I like ArtSparker's ending question, I've wrestled with many times over the twenty-five-plus years of my now deceased marriage. I wrestle with it still, in fact.


  6. MARGARET: In fact, I live in an alternate universe called Minneapolis. I used to think you stayed up really late until I realized your late night comments are two hours earlier... which explains how you can go to bed at 10, as you say you often do (though not last night, I see), and leave comments at midnight.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on The Third Man--besides being gorgeous, it is a meditation on innocence and betrayal and all that good stuff.

    ARTS: I must look at your back issues more! I love your series on The Third Man. So much to say about that movie...

    It has meant something different each time I've watched it, because its meaning is determined by the eye of the beholder, and that eye always comes from a different angle at each viewing.
    Instead of being so caught by the story, this time I kept thinking about the camera!

    Your "Never trust a baron carrying a chihuahua" must be the ultimate meaning, however! : )

    CROW: I must say, the camera's motion showed me how much we move laterally when we walk!
    Only this morning I realized, duh, I should hold the camera lower, by my center of gravity.
    (Still getting over the habit of a lifetime of holding the camera up to my eye.)

    I too wonder how to recover/hold on to the good out of a love that ends in betrayal...
    Sometimes I get a very clear reading of the realness of the love itself--like Holly Martins love for his friend was real, even if deluded-- but often it's obscured by what came later.

  7. If it wasn't shaky, it's amazing how (adding the music) it does feel like a scene from The Third Man.

  8. Among other things, I'm amazed how the rhythm of the music matches the stepping of your feet---was that intentional when you laid down the music track or happy luck? bravo as always, dear friend!

  9. I really like this one, Fresca. It really evokes The Third Man for, which is probably my favorite film. I didn't notice much camera shake, probably because the walking masked it. I do find the lighter the camera, the harder it is to hold steady. One of life's little ironies.

    As for your concern about length yesterday, I think sometimes pieces just call out for something longer.

  10. MAURA: Sometimes I do work hard to get the music to match the images, but in this case I just plunked it on top. I guess human rhythms just tend to match up...

    Thanks DANIA: I'm surprised how many people know and love the Third Man, though it sure deserves it!

    The camera doesn't really shake, you're right, it's just that it sways to match my motion, which makes me a little dizzy to watch.
