
Friday, January 22, 2010

Illustration Friday: "Wilderness"

I. The Third Person

I've noticed bloggers posting "Illustration Friday" art, but I didn't know who generated the themes. I never looked into it until I enjoyed having an assignment of sorts from Art Sparker (yesterday's "Books").

The prompts come from Illustration Friday dot com, "a weekly creative outlet/participatory art exhibit for illustrators and artists of all skill levels." (Doesn't seem to include writing or film.)

This week's theme was "Wilderness."
So, back to the lake I went, to try again to film those evocative cross-country ski tracks.

I keep thinking I'll create some beautiful abstract film.
But meaning and story will keep insinuating themselves.

Ansel Adams says there are always at least two people in every photograph:
the photographer and the viewer.
I'd add a third:
that person who wanders into the scene or comes up and asks, "What are you doing?"

Usually The Third Person gets cut out, but here I left him in. (Oh, it may not be clear--I am lying flat out, face down to film this.)

Wilderness; Or Not (48 sec.)

II. The Only Purity Is Death

And, because we've been discussing Romanticism, I poked a bit of fun at Mahler's Symphony no. 5. (I know it from the opening of Visconti's film of Death in Venice.)

Romanticism is great stuff, but it always cuts out that third person who ruins the Purity. Artistically this is OK, if a little limited; politically, the search for purity becomes deadly.
I'm not a Romantic.
Much as I may love some of it--and I do love this Mahler symphony--I always see the Monty Python side of things running alongside.

III. Paint By Numbers

Editing this flick this morning, I was influenced by A Single Man, which I saw last night. Colin Firth was terrific; but director Tom Ford, the fashion designer, was a little heavy handed. At first the movie is beautiful, but it becomes a pastiche of Calvin Klein ads and Fellini films.

One of Ford's tricks is to shift the hues to signal emotional connection. Effective the first couple times, but after that it became schmaltzy.
So, for fun I gave my opening scene a little rosy tone too.


  1. Well, I was going to write "Too cool," then realized what a terrible (though unintended) pun, so I'll just say Neat-o!

    The inclusion of the Third Person adds context to the ski trail, I think.

  2. Kind of sweet. Sometimes people ask what I'm doing, mostly they avoid talking to the crazy person.

  3. Oh, I thought the video was clouds (or their reflections), until the third person arrived. Cool! Pythonic, indeed, and I couldn't live long without allowing the absurd.

  4. Fresca, I look to you posts for (and here I paused to identify what I do look for)-- I came up with the "fly on the wall" phrase.

    I read somewhere not long ago of a concept labeled "living transcendentally" or "transcendental living", that is, someone who has a minimal presence in the economy but lives for the life of the mind, including religion. I've been meaning to relate this to you, as you fit this description and it is quite lovely.

    So, I look to your posts as an opportunity to be a fly on the wall while you live your transcendental life. I look forward to being served a fresh bit of art, still or moving, or reflective thought, or vividly lived every day experience. It's always tasty and nourishing to me.

    Regarding the latest offerings, the minimovies, I am greatly enjoying these productions. Sound is coming through as an integral element--the sound happening as you are filming. It has been a very long time since I've heard that really cold crunch of Minnesota snow. I suddenly missed it, though I assure you not enough to live there again.

    Thanks for doing what you do, for being you.

  5. I used to do a lot of architectural photography, which I would always end up eventually on my stomach or back to get the right shot. I started taking a friend with me when I knew I'd be doing this, both to shoo people away and to make sure I didn't get run over or stepped on.

    I find people never look at buildings or objects until they see someone photographing them. Doesn't matter where it is.

  6. Loved the film. Real "wet belly" photography. And you said my two favorite words: "Colin Firth" (thanks)

  7. I have been loving these films for themselves and for the stories. I have been that third person, asking someone on the ground if he/she were OK.

    About the movie: it hit me really hard.

  8. I think this is my favorite one so far. I love it when different layers of reality of captured together.

  9. CROW: Yes, I like the context of adding the 3rd person too. And it WAS cool--about 20-some degrees.

    ARTS: I thought it was sweet of this guy to make sure I was OK and not lying there dying of cold or something.
    I wonder what the factors are of when strangers feel comfortable asking an artist what they're doing...

    DEANNA: I had hoped the ski trails might be sort of unclear, so I'm glad they looked like clouds to you.
    The asburd is a saving grace, I think.

    LiLL: Wow. Thanks. I'm humbled. And glad if my posts are enjoyable and nourishing in this way.

    DANIA: Ha! Yeah, I'm lucky I didn't get skiied over!

    FMSMO: And I'll say it again: Colin Firth! I love him in"Bridget Jones" but it was nice to see him take on something more challenging.

    MOMO: I guess I didn't say, but I loved it that this guy asked me if I was OK--such a kind thing to do.

    "A Single Man" was hard-hitting, I agree, despite what I thought was some ham-handed directing.

    MARGARET: I like mixing up reality too--like MC Escher prints, for instance, where you can't solve the visual paradox.

  10. I made a film finally, due to your inspiration. The thing (third person) that happened to you happened to me! It was *not* planned.

  11. FEM: Your movie delighted me so much: the mystical image interrupted by the question, "Do you know where the paper is, honey?"
