Sunday, January 17, 2010

Buona Serra

I was sad last night, knowing the Netherlands will be my last geography book, now that the publisher is ending the series.

I'm not super worried about finding a new job (well, a little bit); I even think it will be a good thing--an adventure--to get out there and do something new.
I'm just plain old sad I won't be spending such in-depth time with another country.

Anyway, I was feeling so low, I almost didn't go to Mark & Ann's Moonstruck dinner last night--a group of Catholic friends eating spaghetti and watching a favorite movie, Moonstruck.
I'm glad I went.
It cheered me up and gave me something ungloomy to film.


  1. There is something very Fellini about your micro-mini films, Fresca. Especially if viewed back to back in order, then several times more in random sequence.

    Have you considered film-making as a new career? I am in earnest when I say that. Perhaps video books? I just read this last week on MSN about 10 new careers that didn't exist ten years ago and blogging was one of them. You are good at blogging and seem to have a gift for film-video-making, too.

    And those are just the gifts I've noticed from reading your blog. Someone more astute than I no doubt has picked up on your many other talents.

    It can be scary living on the edge of the unknown, as I have learned. Yet, as you have noted, living (hanging on) at the edge of chaos can be the catalyst for life-affirming changes and fantastic new adventures. I'm about to find out if that is true for me.

    PS: I love your films, Fresca. Looking forward to the next, and the next, and the next...

  2. Bless you for that, Crow--your kind encouragement actually brought tears to my eyes.
    I'm a pretty resilient type and I trust I'll be fine--maybe better than fine, but I feel kind of tender right now, not surprisingly.

    I do wonder what writing/vidding type jobs exist, or could exist, that I --and most others--haven't even imagined.

    I am thrilled bu sort of surprised that anyone's liking my flicks--they are incredibly fun (and surprisingly time consuming) to make, but I thought they'd mostly bore people.
    So, thanks for saying you enjoy them!

  3. Ciao, Bon Giorno! (Bella!) I actually learned that morning greeting phrase when I was living Down Under and occasionally watching Play School with firstborn procreation. How's that for guerilla geography?! Even tho' it's no longer officially giorno, ahora/tora--(i. e. it's 12:45 p. m.)! And, no doubt, Erasmus would agree that procreating and rearing offspring, especially while watching even purportedly educational t.v. programming, results in somewhat less of an acquisition of wisdom of the patriarchally valued variety. Still, there's motherwit and, possibly fatherwit that develops along with all the rest...But, prob'ly, Erasmus wasn't thinkin' much about telly or Bananas In Pajamas, but, who knows? Since I didn't ever receive or seek even a basic education in philosphy, I have no idea who Erasmus was, but I had to respond immediately to this cuz an hour or so ago as I did today's online puzzle from the Strib, guess what clue came up?: "Author of 'Praise of Folly'"! I squinched my eyes shut and wracked my brain, to remember your new sidebar thingy quote and its author. As you know, it pays to try to notice odd or often overlooked details and find meaning or connection. And, when it's all too much, there's Cher and yummy huge bowls of pasta 'n' sauce and company to fuel the soul.
    Gracias por tu inspiracion! May your journey be full of lights that spark you and also camera and memory so you can collect and share!
    Happy trials and see ya Soon!

  4. Whoopsies! I meant "trails" not "trials" as in happy ones! Or..did I?

  5. There was a bit of Italian Opera in that one, the intro, the action, and the resolution. Lovely. I read the Crow's comment. Do you read Seth Godin's blog? He ruminates quite a bit about opportunity versus status quo in the new media -I love his modus operandi of innovative thinking combined with old-fashioned integrity.

  6. I hardly know you enough to solicit advice, but might I say: if you were to write a book, I would read it. I'm not sure if you're into that sort of writing, but I'm just saying....

    I any case, I think it's lovely that you're looking at it partially as an adventure. Life is ever in motion, eh?

  7. Fresca,

    I'm really sorry about your work uncertainty. I've been there myself (and wonder if I may shortly be there again). It can be really scary, but at the same time a bit exciting to think something better could (and should) be waiting.

    It is amazing how long it takes to make mini-movies. I find I don't watch as many films as I used to, but feel it's more important to create than to be a spectator. I hope you feel that too.

    Wishing the best for you.


  8. STEF: I rather like happy "trials"! What a funny coincidence about Erasmus. I admit I haven't read him, just a string of quotes (for the Netherlands book), which now made me want to.

    ARTS: Oh, yes, opera--like in "Moonstruck". Anytime there's the childhood version of Italian American food (spaghetti and meatballs), everyone starts to loosen up.
    Thanks for the link, I'll look into it.

    MARGARET: I love you for saying this!
    Do you mean, even a book that's not about Captain Kirk?
    I don't know... blogging fits my personality so well (more suited to sprinting than the long-distance run a book is).
    Yes, life is motion!

    DANIA: I was relieved to read that your mini-movies take a long time too. I figured they had to, but it's nice to know.

    I agree that it's more important for me to make than to watch movies, at this point. I love thinking about other people's movies, but it's entirely different to make them myself.

  9. It looks like such fun...I wish I was there...oh, yes, I was...there, there, there, and there.

  10. BINK: The spahetti brought out the Italian in you!
