Tuesday, June 16, 2009

365 - 30: Dulce

I went to buy milk this afternoon at the nearby Mexican grocery store and decided to try one of the garish "dulces Mexicanos" on offer by the cash register. I'd always assumed they were fruit-flavored sugar confections. So I was surprised when I bit into the orange one I'd bought: it's a real, whole candied orange, peel and all. Dried first? boiled? and then sugar-soaked.
It's great! Bitter and sweet. Cost a dollar.

Hey! I've taken 30 self-portraits in three months. Maybe I will make it at least to 65...


  1. Looks like you've been busy while I've been away - no surprise. :o) I always look forward to the sweet and bitter here (it's mostly sweet, always thought-provoking).

  2. Deanna: I always like to see you here!

  3. My favourite of your portraits, though it does appear you are being socked on the jaw by an amber golem...

    ooh, D&D flashback!

  4. This is my favorite too! It makes me laugh.
