Did you know the armor-like scales on the spines of some dinosaurs are called osteoderms?
I didn't.
[Osteoderm = “bone skin”. Alligators and crocodiles have these kind of scales too!]
I'd stopped my bike the other day to pick up some shattered car-window glass for possible art use. (So pretty.) Yesterday some shards became spine armor [vitrumderm = glass skin] for my favorite apotropaic, Protector Bunny.
I love how many people might end up in any one project.
I've mentioned before, the glass eye is an antique toy eye from Art Sparker. Below, the red book w/gold edge is from Kirsten.
I'm going to the doctor in half an hour, to get my cough checked.
I've been taking oil of oregano (proven antibiotic) since Friday, and I am a little better--but still hacking--I will spare you the gross details. I wonder if I have something like walking pneumonia. Do I need the big meds, or do I just walk it off?
I'll see.
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