Monday, November 7, 2022

Next Up: Toys Re-create Frida Kahlo's Self-Portrait

Invitation for the second #ToysRecreatePaintings on IG (or here!), this coming Sunday, November 13, with my Work in Progress:

"You're invited: Create a toy interpretation of any Frida Kahlo self-portrait. (I'm doing parrots)"

I chose Kahlo partly to send a message:
This won't be Famous European Masters Only.
(I like Kahlo's art, but I wouldn't usually participate in her fandom. I recoil from anything that smacks of a cult of suffering. [Ha, except Christianity.])
BUT ALSO. . . 
. . . her portraits provide opportunities for Toys in the Background.
Parrots & monkeys, cat and dogs, and here––bugs!

IF I'm feeling ambitious, I'll do this double self-portrait:

I'm curious to see how Toys Recreate Paintings (TRP) plays out. 
I want other people to play, but I don't want to be Den Mother or Cruise Director, like some group leaders on IG are.
I reassure myself: I don't have to!
I'm simply going to post a prompt every week (for a while), and then my version.


  1. Toys are all lined up and ready! Great idea although instagram is not everyone's cupp[a Zuck...

  2. LINDA SUE: YAY---yours are The Best!

    I use IG because there's a doll and toy photography community there--can't find toy action on Blogger.

    When I started blogging here in 2007, it was a lively community, but most people went off to other hip-happening social media sites when they sprouted up.
    Seven-second videos!
    I'm still happiest on Slow, though.
