Thursday, June 14, 2018

Sister's Birthday, w/ "Betty"

I took my sister (below, left) out for a birthday lunch. The dolls came along too. (Here we are making an award for someone we both know.)

When I was little, according to my mother, I asked about the possibility of a nonexistent sister--a child who had never been born. But if that child had been born, I told my mother, she would have been my other sister, . . . a sister who, little me said, might have been named "Betty." 

[I think there's a philosophical term for all this--the weird way things don't exist. It's the sort of idea might kids slip in and out of.]

It's like the Reds are all three of us---my sister, me, and the Other Sister, Betty, who never existed.


gz said...


Bink said...

I wonder where you got the name Betty? Archie comics?