Wednesday, October 4, 2017


I bought this Victorian advertising card for Clark's ONT Spool Cotton (and on the back, text advertisement for Milward needles) because it made me laugh.
I have an informal rule that if something like a greeting card makes me laugh, I buy it to give away. Though in this case, I'm keeping it. 

It made me laugh, the way the one avid kid is pushing the bouncy-headed baby (who is taking it in good humor).  Another kid in the back is crying--they're acting just like real humans, not cutesified dolls. 

I don't relate much to how modern people depict sewing-related stuff  as cutesy (rampant on Pinterest, for instance)--the enormous volume of cuteness minimizes fabric arts to a ditzy hobby, not something that produced the Bayeaux Tapestry (which was embroidered by men and women in professional workshops, I just read).

However, there's often a silly side to most human endeavors, and I enjoy that here.

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