Friday, September 9, 2016

working out, plushie style

I'm heading out to the YW in 15 minutes---trying (again, again).

Biology really works.
I weighed myself yesterday at the gym, and my summer of Sitting at the Computer has added 10 lbs to my physique: 
for a total of 30 lbs up from my weight in my thirties and forties... 
That's a lot.
But, while I never hear anyone say this much, to me it feels nice to be this fat. I'm soft and squishy, like one of the stuffed animals I love so much. I feel sort of cuddled and swaddled, in a lovely way.

And I'm happy not moving---I love a long day of reading and researching and chatting online and making fan art! 

BUT, it does not feel nice to feel weak. 
I'm in a classic feedback loop---exercise has gotten harder, so I do it less, so it gets harder.
bink & I went for a 10-mile bike ride yesterday (not very far, as bike rides go), and at one point I told her I had to coast, I was tired of pedaling. And we were on a slight decline!
I truly don't know if I've ever felt that before, except on really long rides.

So, I'm back at the YW--my plan is to exercise like the plushie I've become: softly, at first.

My Motto:
Just Stand Up, little darlin'! and turn yourself around.

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